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Cornell University

Employment with COE

Whitewater kayaking students show their best hero pose in front of a waterfall

Share your passion and enthusiasm with others! Whether you have been in the outdoors since your childhood, or you just took your first course with COE, there are many ways to get involved with COE! Many of our positions have cyclical hiring periods and fixed training dates, so be sure to read the fine print.

PE Program Instructors

Take the skills you've learned and inspire your fellow students. Work as part of an instructor team and hone your teaching skills. Don't be shy, apply!

Outdoor Odyssey Trip Leaders

New guides can apply in the Fall to guide trips the following year. Come apply for an amazing opportunity to influence someone's first experience at Cornell!

Lindseth Climbing Center Staff

Indoor rock climbing is an exciting and rewarding activity, but can be intimidating to new climbers. At the same time, we want to challenge experienced climbers to push their limits. Join the team and help create a safe and welcoming environment for all climbers.

CTLC Facilitators and Student Coordinators

As a CTLC facilitator, you can help bring out the best in individuals and teams, in a beautiful outdoor setting. Join us at the Hoffman Challenge Course and you may find the work transformative, too!

Cornell Gorge Stewards

If you enjoy long walks in the park, being a helpful guide to the local flora and fauna, and don't mind taking some notes along the way, Gorge Stewarding might be the summer job for you!


COE Student Coordinators and Internships

If you fancy yourself as more a behind the scenes kind of person, but still want to contribute to COE's mission, we do periodically hire students for administrative and program support. For those interested in pursuing internship opportunities with COE, email your letter of interest to [email protected].

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