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Cornell University

Internship Funding Options

About This List

This list consists of larger and broadly applicable funds and grants for internships, but we cannot guarantee it is exhaustive. Students are highly encouraged to check with their major department's website and/or staff to learn about other opportunities available. There may also be opportunities available through your membership in on-campus student groups or professional organization memberships.

We highly recommend you start by searching for many Cornell-directed or affiliated programs, including travel grants, scholarships, research opportunities, and more. The site also includes helpful search filters. The opportunities below are those not listed on the experience site.

Funding Sources 

Summer Experience Grants. The Summer Experience Grant (SEG) is a collection of summer funding awards that provide financial support for Cornell undergraduate students to complete summer unpaid or minimally paid career-related experiences. SEG supports students with living expenses, transportation, and travel.

Alan D. Mathios Research and Service Grant. The grant funds undergraduate Human Ecology students’ research and service activities that further the mission of the College. The Human Ecology Alumni Association awards these grants bi-annually and will consider proposals for presentations and service projects that involve travel, if funds allow. Applicants who propose service projects must identify intended outcomes and the methods by which they will be measured. Priority is given to undergraduate applicants, but graduate applications may be considered.

Andrew Kohut Fellowship. The fellowship is open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Kohut Fellows will conduct public opinion-focused research and use data from the Roper Archives, and will receive a $4,000 stipend for the summer.

CALS Undergraduate Student Grants. Funding is available to undergraduate students for research expenses, including travel to a professional meeting or conference to present findings. Students are advised to work with faculty members to develop scientifically relevant and well-circumscribed research proposals. Decisions are made by late-November for Fall funding and in mid-March for Spring/Summer funding.

Dean of Students Access Fund. The goal of this fund is to provide enrolled full-time undergraduate, graduate, and professional Cornell students with access to financial support, up to $500, to help mitigate on-campus barriers, access basic necessities, and cover emergency expenses not covered through financial aid or other university resources.

Dr. JW Landau Summer Experience Fund for Veterans. The Fund was created in 2021 to support veteran students pursuing unpaid or minimally paid summer experiences, such as internships and research. This award is available to undergraduates who have served at least one year of honorable service in one of the US military branches. Up to $3,600 will be awarded each summer. Apply through the Summer Experience Grant portal for consideration.

Fellowships. Fellowships, like scholarships and grants, are financial aid awards that do not require repayment. They usually provide funding for one year and can apply to activities that take place either before or after college graduation. A few summer fellowship programs are also available. Some fellowships fund graduate study, others are essentially a job with a cohort of other fellows, a few help fund undergraduate education. Sometimes they are specific to a certain field of study, others are more focused on supporting students of a given social identity (ex: indigenous students).

Entrepreneurship List of 15+ Funding and Fellowship Opportunities. At Cornell we have a wide range of funding opportunities that are not competition based (though they are competitive!). These range from providing stipends for internships to financial fellowships that allow students to work on their own companies over the summer as opposed to taking a traditional summer job at an established company. Additionally, they provide opportunities for startup companies to raise investment dollars directly from programs affiliated with Cornell and/or Cornell alumni.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations Grants. ILR has alumni-funded awards to aid students who have secured an unpaid or minimally paid summer internship.

Cornell Affiliated Programs

Cornell Cooperative Extension. Offers summer internships throughout New York State, in a variety of specialty areas. The Tompkins County Association offers opportunities for students who want to spend the summer in the Ithaca area.

Cornell in Hollywood. Offers a number of film-related internships specifically for Cornell students thanks to Cornell alumni currently working in the film industry and the Cornell Club of Los Angeles. All majors are welcome to apply. Students arrange a faculty sponsor, who will receive the evaluation of the student's internship performance in order for a grade and credit to be assigned.

Cornell Biological Field Station. The program is open to all undergraduate students. The program is 10 weeks long during the summer field season. Cornell interns are expected to enroll in three credit hours of independent studies in the fall semester to complete their summer research/extension project and a final paper, and participate in the undergraduate research symposium.

Cornell's Shoals Marine Laboratory. Offers unique opportunities for students to experience marine science through summer research internships and employment (in addition to summer courses) on Appledore Island, in the Gulf of Maine. College freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors in all majors may apply.

Engineering Learning Initiatives. Funding is available for academic terms as well as summer to support research. Students are expected to submit a final report and participate in an oral or poster presentation with a relatively broad audience.

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