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Linsey Chen '24

College/School: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Major(s): Biological Sciences

Campus Involvement: At Cornell, I have been involved with service organizations serving as Co-President of Project Hope at Cornell and President of Early College Awareness. I have been dancing as a member of E.Motion, Cornell’s K-pop dance group, for three years. I have played clarinet in the Big Red Marching Band for three years and previously served as a section leader for a year. I have also been a part of the Biology Scholars Program and the Kessler Presidential Scholars Program.

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

The photo from my first year (above) is with my freshman-year roommates who are still my closest friends at Cornell. The photo from this year (below) is the four of us at E.Motion’s end-of-year showcase which I performed in and they came to watch and support me at my last showcase.

I chose these photos because these friends have been a really great support system throughout my time at Cornell. Since freshman year, we have each grown in our own ways and got involved in different things but we have continued to be there for each other throughout these past four years. Our first year was rough because of COVID and I felt like I was missing out on a lot of experiences but I am grateful that we were still able to make a lot of joyful memories together during that time despite not getting the “normal” first year experience.

Linsey Chen with her friends after the E.Motion dance showcase
Linsey Chen with her friends after the E.Motion dance showcase

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

Being a first-generation student, I did not know what to expect coming into Cornell, especially during the pandemic. I remember feeling scared to leave home and live away from my family for the first time. The support I had from my roommates, friends, advisors, and scholars programs made me feel a great sense of belonging at Cornell despite the struggles I faced in adjusting to college life and classes. 

After my first year, I became more active in my clubs and made new friends through them. I eventually gained some leadership positions and had fulfilling experiences working with wonderful teams and e-boards. I am happy I was able to call Cornell my home for these past four years. I’ve learned more about myself and can recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and I have become more confident in my own capabilities.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

A core memory I’ll always have from my time at Cornell is my last E.Motion showcase, especially our senior dance. I’ve always enjoyed performing in E.Motion, so it meant a lot to have the support of my friends in the audience cheering me on. I'm also proud of all the performers considering how much time and energy we've put in to preparing for showcase.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

My experiences in clubs at Cornell have shown me what it is like to be a part of many different kinds of teams. I’ve had many fun and rewarding experiences through performing, hosting events, and volunteering all of which would not have been possible without collaboration. I've learned a lot from the people around me.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

Make time for yourself and the people who are most important to you. Be open to new experiences and stay active on campus by participating in extracurriculars/activities that you find fun and rewarding. Also, explore Ithaca!

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