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Michelle Cazorla

Meet Michelle Cazorla

Hometown: North Bergen, NJ
College: College of Human Ecology
Year: 2024
Affiliations and Orgs: COVID-19 Peer Ambassador & Social Media Team, Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholars Program

Why did you become an Ambassador? 

I became an ambassador because I want to help make our campus and community as safe as possible in regards to COVID-19. These are difficult times that call for unity, while also staying six feet apart! I have seen relatives of my own directly affected by this virus and I know how awful it can be to both the affected individual and his/her family. I want to try my best to make Cornellians feel protected and have everything they need to feel at ease. 

What is your favorite socially distanced activity?

I love going to the Slope and watching the sunset with my friends, of course, with masks on! I also watch the stars and try to find constellations.

What are some of the ways you’re working to keep our campus community healthy and safe?

I volunteer by handing out free masks and hand sanitizer to Cornellians.

Why do you wear a mask?

I wear a mask to help stop the spread of COVID-19. I don’t want to see that test result come back positive! Nor do I want anyone else’s to.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to everyone during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Although we are living in the midst of a pandemic, there are so many ways to distract yourself while maintaining socially distant and wearing masks in order to protect yourself and others.

Learn more about the COVID-19 Peer Ambassadors and their important work around campus.