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Nicholas Colaw '24

College/School: College of Engineering

Major(s): Biomedical Engineering

Campus Involvement: During my time at Cornell I have been involved in the project team Engineering World Health. Joining my freshman year, this was one of my first experiences exploring my interest for biomedical engineering and medical devices. During my time on the team I helped to develop these medical devices for resource deprived areas of the world in partnership with companies around the world. I have also been involved in the Men's Lightweight Rowing team as the manager since my junior year. It has been an amazing experience becoming friends with such a hard working and passionate group of people. They have become like my family here, and am incredibly grateful that my path crossed with them.

What photos did you choose to share and why are they meaningful?

The photos I shared are of me and my roommate Dylan. The first photo (above) is from the day I moved in freshman year into Low Rise 6. My parents could not come in the dorm because of COVID so Dylan came down and helped me lug all of my bags upstairs. My mom took this picture before they drove off and headed home. The second picture (below) is of me and Dylan at our end of year Lightweight Rowing Banquet celebration. We have remained roommates for all four years of our time here at Cornell

I chose these photos because Dylan has been with me through everything. From the very first day to the last, he and I have gotten through it all together. I can confidently say I'm not sure if either of us would have made it if it weren't for each other. Through all the ups and the downs we made it through and remain great friends today. I wanted to choose these photos because they really bookend our time here at Cornell. From the very first day to one of our last, we have spent it all together and our friendship means the world to me.

Nicholas Colaw at the Lightweight Rowing Banquet with his roommate Dylan
Nicholas at the Lightweight Rowing Banquet with his roommate Dylan

How have you grown during your time at Cornell?

During my time at Cornell I have certainly matured a lot. From the very first day I moved in, filled with excitement for the journey that lay ahead, to the last days of my time here, reminiscing on all the good times. During my time at Cornell I have grown emotionally, physically, socially, and academically. I have learned to be a better friend, a better teammate, and a better version of myself. I have learned what it means to fail, to succeed, and everything in between. 

Through these experiences both in and out of the classroom I have become prepared for life beyond college and whatever the future may hold. Here I have made memories that will last a lifetime. From the time these photos were taken I have changed into a smarter, more independent, capable, and kind young man. I have gained friends, lost friends, aced exams, failed exams, and traversed life in college through a global pandemic. Throughout it all I have grown to appreciate the friendships and memories I have made along the way.

What's a core memory you'll always have from your time at Cornell?

A core memory I will always have from my time at Cornell will be the day I moved in. Not five minutes after I stepped into my room, we had decided to go down to second dam and go swimming. No sooner had my bags hit the floor and I was changing into a bathing suit and headed out the door. Having just met a group of people who would later become good friends, we all made the very long walk from North Campus all the way down to second dam. 

The walk took forever but the time flew by. We had a blast exploring all the new places that Ithaca had to offer, and this was our first attempt of making this new place our home. I remember being so excited to make new friends, see new places, and make the most of my time here at Cornell. That was a day I will always remember and cherish from my time here.

What's the one thing you'll take away from your experience?

One thing I will take away from my experiences at Cornell is the importance of the friendships I made here. For better or for worse these are the people that I spent every day with for my four years here. They have seen me at my best, my worst, and all the imaginable spaces in between. We have made the best memories and grown close in many ways. These people have shaped my time here at Cornell and my life would certainly not be same without them. As I am soon to be leaving school and reflecting on my time here, these friendships are what I will cherish the most.

What advice would you have for new Cornellians?

My advice to new Cornellians would be to make the most of the time you get here. Everyone always says that the time goes by quick, but you never quite realize how true that is until there is no time left. I still vividly remember the day I walked into my dorm for the first time. It feels like it was yesterday. 

So with this in mind, make the most of it! There are so many fun things to do and explore here at Cornell. Surround yourself with the things and the people that make you happy, and be sure to appreciate the time you get here. Don't be afraid to be yourself, and trust me when I say that there is a place for everyone here. You will find your people and these people will change your life. Make new friends, go on adventures, and have fun!

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