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Compliance Agreement

Two Statement of Officer and Advisor Compliance Agreements (University and Independent). Be sure to scroll to the proper section within this page.

Click here for Compliance Agreement for Independent (EO - external) Organizations

Statement of Officer and Advisor Compliance for University (IT - internal) Organizations

This form explains policies and procedures for University Organizations. This form contains required information for student leaders and advisors and is necessary for a university organization to register

1. Non-discrimination

The organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status when determining its membership. Notwithstanding these requirements, a sports club may restrict membership based on gender where selection for such clubs is based upon competitive athletic skill or the activity involved is a contact sport. Organizations may also make requirements based on vocal range or quality which may result in a chorus or choruses of one or predominantly one gender. In determining cases of discrimination it is not sufficient to look merely to the constitution of the organization. Its actual practices and operations are also relevant.

2. Membership, Officers, and Recruitment

  1. Membership in registered student organizations (both Independent Organizations and University Organizations) must be open to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status.

  2. Membership and/or participation in an organization is voluntary. Members/Participants may disassociate at any time following such procedures that may be set by the organization.

  3. Non-Cornell (non-Cornell affiliated) community members will be considered as volunteers with organizations and are not covered by the Independent Club Insurance.

  4. Members of registered student organizations must be registered, matriculated full-time students at their respective Cornell University campus (i.e. Ithaca, Geneva, NYC Tech). Part-time students, non-matriculated students, students on a leave of absence, or students who are abroad may not serve as officers, eboard, and/or voting members of student organizations. It is the responsibility of the Advisor to collaborate with the President to ensure that all officers are full-time students on their campus. If one of your officers has a chance in status that will require them to step down from their position, please contact the Campus Activities Office. General members may be students, faculty, staff, or community members. 

  5. Hazing is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and New York State law, and will not be tolerated in any form at any time.

  6. The University may impose additional requirements on membership activities related to new member selection and pre-initiation/selection activities based on the answers provided in the organization’s registration form.

3. Hazing

Cornell University prohibits any organization from engaging in any action or situation which endangers mental or physical health, or involves the consumption of liquor or drugs or other substances to excess, for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization. See the Student Code of Conduct excerpted below. This prohibition shall be deemed to be part of the by-laws of all organizations registered at Cornell University. The organization agrees that if it is found to have engaged in conduct in violation of this prohibition of hazing, the nature of the conduct and any sanctions imposed will be reported publicly on the University’s hazing prevention website. Cornell University's Student Code of Conduct (Title Three, Article II.A.1.f) states: To haze another person, regardless of the person’s consent to participate. Hazing means an act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, (1) could be seen by a reasonable person as endangering the physical health of an individual or as causing mental distress to an individual through, for example, humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning treatment, (2) destroys or removes public or private property, (3) involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs, or the consumption of other substances to excess, or (4) violates any University policy. For more information on hazing, including regulations and alternative practices, visit

4. Funding

To be eligible to receive any funds from the student activities fee collected and administered by the University and Student Assembly, the organization must comply with the provisions adopted by the Board of Trustees, Student Assembly, and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly. If the organization receives any funding, it shall comply with these provisions and related requirements adopted as administered by the Campus Activities Office, the Student Assembly, and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly pursuant to the powers delegated to them. The organization will assure that all bills incurred related to the organization's events are submitted within 30 days of the event or sooner if funding deadlines dictate an earlier date.

5. Use of Facilities

The University hereby makes the organization eligible for use of the University's facilities, and agrees to license to the organization such facilities, meeting rooms and playing fields subject to the University policies, procedures, and availability of such locations. The University may postpone, cancel, or decline to allow an organization-sponsored event to be held on a university facility for just cause, including but not limited to an organization’s failure to comply with University policies and procedures regarding use of facilities.

6. Publications and Use of Cornell's Name, Logo & Artwork

If the organizations produces any publications (i.e. newsletter, brochure, newspaper, etc.), the organization must list the organization's name, contact information, and their advisor's name and department. The organization agrees to follow all policies and procedures when using the Cornell University name, logo and/or artwork, as outlined in the University's Brand Center policies & guidelines.

7. Copyright Policies

  1. Using copyright-protected music, photography or video footage without a license or permission can be copyright infringement. Independent student organizations are not protected by Cornell from the legal consequences of publishing copyrighted material without a license.
  2. Be sure to collect the proper permissions when using any copyrighted material in your creative projects. This includes identifying the sources of music, video and image files that are used and obtaining the appropriate licenses.
  3. Principles of fair use protect reasonable uses of materials in the context of teaching, scholarship and research. However, outside of these settings, fair use has limited application. For example, the use of copyrighted music in videos or multimedia created by student organizations for promotional purposes generally requires permission and often the payment of fees for at least one, and typically two, separate licenses. This includes but is not limited to any music, audio, video, photo, illustration, graphic and other files used in multimedia production. Identifying the source of such files may also be required.
  4. Do not assume you are able to use anything “posted to the internet.” It is your responsibility to obtain permissions or otherwise verify the assets are free to use.
  5. Helpful resources and other information can be found on the Cornell Brand website or the Cornell University Library Copyright Information Center.

8. Event Registration

The organization shall register all events as required via the on-line Event Registration Process.

9. Student Code of Conduct

Nothing in this Agreement limits the applicability of the Student Code of Conduct against the organization, its officers, members, advisors, or invited guests. Similarly, nothing in this Agreement limits the applicability of other University policies including University Policy 6.4 applicable to individual officers, members, advisors, and invited guests.

Statement of Officer and Advisor Compliance for Contracted Independent (EO - external) Organizations

This form explains policies and procedures for Independent Organizations. This form contains required information for both student leaders and advisors and is necessary for an independent organization to register. This Agreement, dated today, by and between Cornell University ("University"), and the student organization ("EO," or "Independent Organization");


Various organizations are comprised primarily of Cornell University students, faculty, or staff and wish the University to provide the organizations with certain benefits. Without necessarily approving or disapproving the goals or activities of particular organizations, the University recognizes that the availability of a wide range of opportunities for its students, faculty and staff tends to enhance the University environment. Provided the organization meets certain membership requirements, the University is willing to provide certain benefits to certain organizations ("EO's"). However, these benefits should not be misinterpreted as meaning that these organizations are part of or controlled by the University, that the University is responsible for the organization's contracts or other acts or omissions, or that the University approves of the organizations' goals or activities.Unless an organization is sanctioned by the University as being directly affiliated with a University Department (i.e. the organization receives benefits from a university department, such as an advisor or office space), it is considered to be an Independent Organization (EO). EO's are free to exist and operate either with or without any University benefits. The purpose of this Agreement is to describe the entire relationship between the University and the EO which is a party to this Agreement, including all of the University benefits the EO may receive, and all of the conditions for their receipt. Accordingly, the parties: Cornell University and the undersigned officer on behalf of the EO, agree as follows:

1. Representations

The EO represents that it is either a not-for-profit New York State corporation in good standing with the New York State Department of State or an unincorporated association existing under the laws of New York State pursuant to the EO's constitution, a copy of the current version of which, and all future amendments, shall be provided to the University by the EO (unless the current constitution is already on file with the Campus Activities Office, a unit of Campus & Community Engagement (CCE). The EO shall also provide the University with a list of all current officers, their addresses and phone numbers, and any changes made to this list via the on-line registration system.The person signing this Agreement on the EO's behalf represents that the members of the EO were provided with a copy of this Agreement as proposed and the membership thereafter authorized such person to execute the Agreement.The EO agrees that it will remain in compliance with all Guidelines for Student Organizations, or have its registration revoked.

2. Relationship between the Independent (EO - external) Organization and the University

The University is a New York State not-for-profit education corporation and the EO is not part of that corporation, but rather exists and operates independently of the University. The EO is not an agent, servant or employee of the University, but rather is independent and manages its own affairs.The parties understand and agree that this Agreement is the only source of any control the University may have over the EO or its activities, except to the extent, if any, the University chooses to exercise control over activities occurring on its property, or over matters covered by the University's judiciary system. The parties understand and agree that the EO is not required to enter into this Agreement and the only result of the EO terminating, or failing to execute this Agreement will be the loss of the benefits described in this Agreement.

3. Taxes

The EO shall not use the University's taxpayer identification number or the University's tax-exempt status in connection with purchases or sales by the EO, gifts to the EO, interest or other income of the EO, or any other activity of the EO. Gifts can be made to the University and designated for use by the EO provided that such gifts are provided to further the educational, research, and community service missions of the University. As such the University reserves the right to decide if the use of such gifts are consistent with the University's non-profit educational status. EOs may work with Campus Activities and/or the Student & Campus Life Business Services Center to set up gift accounts.

4. Non-discrimination

The EO shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status when determining its membership. Notwithstanding these requirements, a club sport may restrict membership based on gender where selection for such clubs is based upon competitive athletic skill or the activity involved is a contact sport. Organizations may also make requirements based on vocal range or quality, which may result in a chorus or choruses of one or predominantly one gender. In determining cases of discrimination, it is not sufficient to look merely to the constitution of the EO. Its actual practices and operations are also relevant.

5. The EO's Dealings with Third Parties

The EO shall not hold itself out as being part of, controlled by, or acting on behalf of the University. The EO shall take affirmative steps in all of its recruitment, business, and other dealings with third parties (including, for example, prospective members and businesses) to explain its relationship with the University. As one of such steps, the EO shall include the following statement (or another similar statement approved in advance by the University) in the EO's letters and other such written materials (except intra-university and intra EO correspondence):"Although this organization has members who are Cornell University students, faculty, or staff, the organization is independent of the University and is responsible for its own contracts, acts or omissions."When engaging in legally binding contracts/agreements on behalf of the organization, the EO shall include the following statement which shall be initialed and dated by all parties to the contract or other agreement:“[NAME OF ORGANIZATION], the party to this agreement/document, is an independent student organization and is neither a unit of Cornell University nor an agent of Cornell University for any purpose. [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] is not authorized to commit Cornell University contractually and therefore this agreement/document does not contain the commitment of, and is not in any manner binding upon or enforceable against, Cornell University.”

6. Membership, Officers, and Recruitment

  1. Membership in registered student organizations must be open to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, marital status, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status.
  2. Membership and/or participation in organizations is voluntary. Members/Participants may disassociate at any time following such procedures that may be set by the organization.
  3. Non-Cornell (non-Cornell affiliated) community members will be considered as volunteers with organizations and are not covered by the Independent Club Insurance.
  4. Members of registered student organizations must be registered, matriculated full-time students at their respective Cornell University campus (i.e. Ithaca, Geneva, NYC Tech). Part-time students, non-matriculated students, students on a leave of absence, or students who are abroad may not serve as officers, eboard, and/or voting members of student organizations. It is the responsibility of the Advisor to collaborate with the President to ensure that all officers are full-time students on their campus. If one of your officers has a chance in status that will require them to step down from their position, please contact the Campus Activities Office. General members may be students, faculty, staff, or community members.
  5. Hazing is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and NYS law, and will not be tolerated in any form at any time.
  6. The University may impose additional requirements on membership activities related to new member selection and pre-initiation/selection activities based on the answers provided in the organization’s registration form.  Such additional requirements may limit organization activities to on-campus in order to enforce laws regarding trespass, to regulate lawfully the use of university property, to permit construction and repair of university facilities, to regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, or to maintain public order and safety.

7. Advisors

  1. Organizations are required to have an advisor who is a full-time member of the faculty or staff at their respective Cornell University campus (i.e. Ithaca, Geneva, NYC Tech). Graduate students may not serve as advisors of EOs.
  2. Advisors of independent organizations are volunteers. The advisor assists the organization in reaching its stated goals, and should be familiar with the organization’s constitution, the policies and procedures of Cornell University, and the activities and membership of the organization.
  3. It is the responsibility of the EO's to identify a faculty or staff member as advisor and secure the electronic signature of advisor on the required advisor form(s). The function of the advisor is to provide guidance and advice to the EO in planning and conducting its activities. Advisors to IOs are not responsible for managing or supervising the IO's activities or affairs. Nor is the availability, or service of the advisor to be construed as altering or affecting in any way the organizational and operational independence of the IO from the University as stipulated in paragraphs 2 and 9 of this Agreement.
  4. The advisor’s name shall be included in with any publication produced by the organization (see section 8c below).

8. Use of the University's Name and Symbols

University does not encourage the use of its name as part of the EO's name, but it will allow such use as a benefit to the EO provided that such use is approved by Campus Activities upon request of the EO, and, to reinforce the EO's duties under Section 5 above, the EO takes steps necessary to prevent persons and organizations with which it deals from receiving the impression that the EO is part of, controlled by or acting on behalf of the University. The EO is required to apply to the University's Brand Center for prior written approval of all uses of the University's name including any marks, symbols, logos, mottoes or indicia of the University. Independent Organizations that have received permission to use the name “Cornell” in their names must use the university name in a locational sense when entering into legally binding contractual agreements (i.e. “______ Club at Cornell”).

The EO will include the following statement (in a type and size that is clear and legible to the reader) in the masthead of any publication(s) produced by the EO:  

  • An independent student publication

  • The EO will also include the following statement within the publication in a type and size that is clear and legible to the reader:[NAME OF INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATION/STUDENT ENTITY], an independent student organization located at Cornell University, produced and is responsible for the content of this publication. This publication was not reviewed or approved by, nor does it necessarily express or reflect the policies or opinions of, Cornell University or its designated representatives. Further, the name of the advisor will be listed within the publication, along with contact information.

9. Copyright Policies

Using copyright-protected music, photography or video footage without a license or permission can be copyright infringement. Independent student organizations are not protected by Cornell from the legal consequences of publishing copyrighted material without a license.

Be sure to collect the proper permissions when using any copyrighted material in your creative projects. This includes identifying the sources of music, video and image files that are used and obtaining the appropriate licenses.

Principles of fair use protect reasonable uses of materials in the context of teaching, scholarship and research. However, outside of these settings, fair use has limited application. For example, the use of copyrighted music in videos or multimedia created by student organizations for promotional purposes generally requires permission and often the payment of fees for at least one, and typically two, separate licenses. This includes but is not limited to any music, audio, video, photo, illustration, graphic and other files used in multimedia production. Identifying the source of such files may also be required.

Do not assume you are able to use anything “posted to the internet.” It is your responsibility to obtain permissions or otherwise verify the assets are free to use.

Helpful resources and other information can be found on the Cornell Brand website or the Cornell University Library Copyright Information Center.

If you have any questions or concerns, email [email protected].

10. Liability, Insurance and Defense

The EO understands and agrees that the University, the State of New York, and the employees and agents of either will not be liable for any of the EO's contracts, torts, or other acts or omissions, or those by the EO's directors, officers, members, staff or activity participants. The EO understands and agrees that neither it nor its directors, officers, members, staff, or activity participants are protected by the University's or the State of New York's insurance policies or self-insurance plans and that the University and the State will not provide any legal defense for the EO or any such person in the event of any claim against any of them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University agrees to facilitate the purchase of an insurance policy to cover the activities of all undergraduate and graduate EOs which desire the benefits afforded in this agreement. The University makes no guarantee regarding the availability, appropriateness, or completeness of the insurance coverage. In exchange for the University's assistance in procuring insurance, the EO agrees to name the University on its policy as an additional named insured and to indemnify, hold harmless, and release the University from any claim, act, or omission resulting in bodily injury, property damage or any alleged harm due to the EO's use of the University name, property, or resources. Further, the insurance shall be considered primary to all other valid and collectible insurance that is available to the University for claims made against the University.

11. Hazing

Cornell University prohibits any organization from engaging in any action or situation which endangers the mental or physical health or involves the consumption of liquor or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization. See the Student Code of Conduct and Section 6450 of the Education Law of the State of New York. Pursuant to Section 6450 of the Education Law of the State of New York, the above statement shall be deemed to be part of the by-laws of all organizations registered at Cornell University. The organization agrees that if it engages in conduct in violation of such statement, the nature of the conduct and any sanctions imposed will be reported publicly. From Cornell University's Student Code of Conduct (Title Three, Article II.A.1.f):Hazing means an act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, (1) could be seen by a reasonable person as endangering the physical health of an individual or as causing mental distress to an individual through, for example, humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning treatment, (2) destroys or removes public or private property, (3) involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs, or the consumption of other substances to excess, or (4) violates any University policy.For more information on hazing, including regulations and alternative practices, visit

12. Funding

To be eligible to receive any funds from the student activities fee collected and administered by the University and Student Assembly, the EO must comply with the provisions adopted by the Board of Trustees, Student Assembly, and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly. If the EO receives any funding, it shall comply with these provisions and related requirements adopted as administered by the Campus Activities Office, the Student Assembly, and/or the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly pursuant to the powers delegated to them.  The EO will assure that all bills incurred related to the organization's events are submitted within 30 days of the event or sooner if funding deadlines dictate an earlier date.

13. Use of Facilities

The University hereby makes the EO eligible for the use of the University's facilities and agrees to license to the EO such facilities, meeting rooms, and playing fields subject to the University policies, procedures, and availability of such locations.

14. Event Registration

The organization shall register all events as required via the online Event Registration Process.

15. Sports Clubs

If the EO is a "Sports Club" as defined in the Sports Club Addendum, EO must abide by the provisions of the addendum as a part of this Agreement. 

16. Term of Agreement

This Agreement shall become effective as of the date the contract is submitted and shall terminate on the day the insurance policy expires unless terminated earlier by the EO upon written notice to the University. Further, the University reserves the right to give an EO a warning which may include conditions or to immediately suspend or terminate this Agreement for just cause.The organization agrees to voluntarily cease and desist all activities of the organization if the organization is referred to the Office of the Judicial Administrator for a Code violation. 

17. Student Code of Conduct

Nothing in this Agreement limits the applicability of the Student Code of Conduct against the organization, its officers, members, advisors, or invited guests. Similarly, nothing in this Agreement limits the applicability of other University policies including University Policy 6.4 applicable to individual officers, members, advisors, and invited guests.

18. Waiver

Failure of the University to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of that provision or any later breach thereof.

19. Notices

Any notice under this Agreement shall be deemed given when delivered via email, and/or postal mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: If to the organization:  emailed or mailed to the address(es) on file.

Campus Activities Office
Cornell University 521
Willard Straight Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

or to such other persons at such addresses as either party may designate for itself and so notify the other party in writing.

20. Entire Agreement; Amendments

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Independent (EO - external) Organization and the University concerning this subject matter, and it supersedes all prior written or oral agreements. This Agreement may not be amended except by written document executed by both parties.