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Fundraising and Sales Activity

Occasional, limited on-campus fundraising or sales activities may be conducted by university departments, registered student organizations, sororities/fraternities, and individuals involved in course-related entrepreneurial sales activities. Applicants who wish to engage in occasional fund-raising or retail sales activities are subject to the following conditions:

  • A completed on-line Event Scheduling Request form must be submitted at least three (3) weeks prior to the proposed sale or fund-raising activity.
  • The activities must be approved by the Office of Community Relations (this approval will be completed via the event scheduling request form).
  • Any food sales must be approved by Cornell Dining, and may require a temporary food permit.
  • Applicable municipal and state permit requirements must be observed.
  • Products or services offered for sale should preferably be obtained from suppliers located in Tompkins County or as the result of a request-for-proposals process open to local merchants.
  • All participating fundraising or sales personnel must be members of the Cornell community.
  • Use of net proceeds from such sales will be limited to the support of:
    1. programs and services of a registered student organization, sorority/fraternity, university department, or unit;
    2. charitable organizations (see following point); or
    3. individuals whose sales activities are part of a defined academic program.
  • If fundraising for a charitable organization, the sponsoring group/department must collect a letter from the charitable organization indicating they are aware of the event, and approve the fundraising endeavor on their behalf. This letter should be provided upon request during the event registration process.
  • If selling food (i.e. Krispy Kreme donuts), the products should be pre-sealed and pre-packaged by the vendor.
  • Any bake sales must list ingredients of all products.

Fundraising and sales proposals must include either actual samples or detailed descriptions of all products and services to be offered for retail sale. The university reserves the right to withhold approval of the sale of any product or service, and to terminate the fundraising activity or sale of products not submitted for advance approval.