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Cornell University

Employee Individual Consultations

About Individual Consultations

Cornell Wellness provides multiple types of individual consultations to meet your needs. You can request up to 6 meetings per fiscal year. These meetings are available to faculty, staff, retirees, and their spouses/partners. Most are offered through in-person, Zoom, or by phone, and all are free. Typically, these consultations last about an hour, but can be shortened in duration to as little as 30 minutes by request. Please note however that the last two types of consultations do require Wellness Recreation Membership, are only offered in-person, and take 45-60 minutes, which is listed in their descriptions. Click the button below to connect with Wellness' administrative assistant through email and indicate which meeting/s you would like.

Contact to book an appointment 

Types Of Individual Consultations

Fitness Consultation

The fitness consultation is perfect for anyone who is interested in talking to a Cornell Wellness staff member about their fitness goals. We have several certified fitness professionals on hand (see staff bios) to meet your needs.

  • Are you thinking about starting a new activity, or bringing your current activity to the next level?
  • Wanting to exercise at home, in your office, around campus, through an on-line resource, or something else?
  • Or, you may have general fitness and movement related questions?

If any of these questions resonate with you, or if there's something else fitness and movement related that you'd like to connect with a trained professional on, click on the "Contact to book an appointment" button above and indicate which consultation type you are requesting in the subject line.

Nutrition Consultation 

Cornell Wellness has a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) on staff, and additional staff with formal nutrition education and certificates (see staff bios). Nutrition consultations are available to staff, faculty, retirees, spouses/partners. We are able to provide nutrition consultations through Zoom, phone, or in-person meetings.

  • Are you wanting to lose weight or gain weight?
  • Are you looking to optimize your food choices to help prevent disease or manage a chronic condition?
  • Do you need some guidance with a certain type of eating plan you are following including: gluten-free, meat free, low carbohydrate, or other?

To schedule a nutrition consultation, click on the "Contact to book an appointment" button above and indicate which consultation type you are requesting in the subject line.

General Health And Wellness Consultation

The general health and wellness consultation is a perfect choice for you if you would like to talk to Wellness staff (see staff bios) about something on your mind, or a change you are wanting to make. If you are looking to have a conversation about general health and wellness, this is an opportunity for you. We can help you to clarify your thinking around what's most important to you, which will then inform your next steps. We are able to provide these consultations through Zoom, phone, or in-person meetings.

To schedule a general health and wellness consultation, click on the "Contact to book an appointment" button above and indicate which consultation type you are requesting in the subject line.

General Fitness And Nutrition Education Session

Cornell Wellness has full time staff members with certifications, certificates, and formal education in both fitness and general nutrition (see staff bios). General fitness and nutrition sessions are available to staff, faculty, retirees, spouses/partners. We are able to provide these sessions by Zoom, phone, or in-person.

  • Are you wanting to talk with someone about your current physical activity and food habits with the thought of taking your health and wellness to a level higher?
  • Thinking about discussing current general fitness and nutrition guidelines to help reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases?
  • Have you made some recent fitness and dietary changes with the goal of weight loss and want to talk them over with staff specializing in fitness and general nutrition?

To schedule a general fitness and nutrition education session, click on the "Contact to book an appointment" button above and indicate which consultation type you are requesting in the subject line.

Tobacco/Smoking Cessation Session

Looking for some assistance quitting cigarettes, chew or vaping? Cornell Wellness offers individual tobacco/smoking cessation sessions that are designed to help you prepare to quit the habit. Sessions are customized to meet your needs in terms of helping in areas you need the most assistance, such as stages of change, nicotine replacement therapy options, what to do instead of smoking, and more. Sessions available through Zoom, phone, or in-person meetings.

To schedule a Tobacco/Smoking Cessation session, click on the "Contact to book an appointment" button above and indicate which consultation type you are requesting in the subject line.

Physical Fitness Testing

Physical fitness testing is offered in a private consultation room on the 2nd floor in Teagle Hall. Fitness assessments provide a "snapshot in time" of where you personally are at in this moment in relation to some general health, strength, flexibility, and endurance tests. You'll be guided through 10 assessments including blood pressure, resting heart rate, height, weight, percentage of body fat, hand grip strength, cardio step test, flexibility, abdominal crunch, and push-up. If you are interested in making a behavior change and wanting some guidance provided by fitness testing data, this is a good place to start. Or, if you are looking to make a change to your current fitness routine and wanting to see how that change impacts your test results, pre and post testing may be helpful. This fitness testing is followed by a discussion of your assessment results in relation to your current goals and a report with additional explanation of the results will be emailed to you. Plan on 60 minutes for the assessments and discussion. Please arrive in comfortable workout clothing. Fitness testing is available October through May. Available to Wellness Recreation Members only. 

Functional Movement Screen Testing

The functional movement screen test is offered in a private consultation room on the 2nd floor in Teagle Hall. In fitness, the term “functional” refers to movements that are typical of daily life such as a push, pull, squat, lunge, rotation, hinge and locomotion. When these essential movements become problematic, injuries, imbalances, stiffness, pain and much more can occur. You'll be guided through seven movement assessments that are designed to identify strength and functional imbalances. This movement screening is followed by a discussion of appropriate and corrective exercises that you can begin to improve your functional movement patterns. The screening will offer insights into keeping your body running like a well-oiled machine as you progress towards your individual physical goals. Plan on 60 minutes for the assessments plus discussion. Please arrive in comfortable workout clothing. Fitness testing is available October through May. Available to Wellness Recreation Members only.