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Cornell University

Upper-level Undergraduate On-Campus Housing

Planning for 2024-2025 academic year on-campus housing

See the timeline of information sessions and deadlines. Scroll down to read about the housing options. 

Cornell has a 2-year residential requirement for our first-year and second-year students, including a required meal plan. Cornell implemented this requirement for all first-year students who began enrollment in the Summer of 2021 and beyond. Students living in on-campus housing are required to have a meal plan.

Studies indicate that students who live on-campus experience increased academic achievement, improved social-emotional adjustment, and develop a stronger ability to build cohesive community versus those who live off-campus during this transformative time in personal development. During this time, students also maintain a meal plan while living on-campus to ensure they have access to proper nutrition to sustain overall well-being, and to safeguard against food insecurity, which has increased for students at colleges across the country. The programmatic model of Cornell’s residence halls creates a place where staff and community are invested in the safety, security, and growth of residents at this crucial developmental point in their lives.

Housing Options 

West Campus House System

The West Campus House System is an actively engaged community for upper-level students. Each House is led by a distinguished Cornell professor, who serves as House Professor-Dean and lives in the House with their family. The five Houses – some made up of both new buildings and historic Gothic buildings – each have their own dining room. 

McGraw Place  

Transfer and upper-level students have the option to live in 109 McGraw Place, located adjacent to West Campus.

South Campus

Cornell's four upper-level residence halls are located on South Campus, close to dining, shopping, and social gathering spots. Each community offers residents live-in staff support, opportunities for faculty interaction, cultural and educational programming, and social activities. 

North Campus

Program Houses

Program Houses – or themed residence halls – offer students a higher level of community engagement than non-themed halls, shared through a special interest, lifestyle, or culture. These close-knit communities are made up of both upper-level students and new students. 

Co-op Housing

For an alternative living experience, some students choose to live in one of the university-owned cooperative houses, collaborative communities governed by their student residents. 


Apply for Housing