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Hard work, personal stories bring speech team big wins

Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, practices her speech advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome in a classroom in the ILR School earlier this year.
Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, practices her speech advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome in a classroom in the ILR School earlier this year. (Provided)

At the American Forensics Association National Speech Tournament in April, Asha Prabhat ’24, co-captain of the Cornell Speech Team, won top honors for her performance advocating for more research around polycystic ovary syndrome – a condition she was diagnosed with in June 2023.

“After my speech, I had about a dozen different female-presenting individuals come up to me and say things like ‘Those symptoms sound a lot like what I’ve experienced, you’ve inspired me to go to the doctor,’” Prabhat said. “It’s just an incredible thing to hear. Before I performed this speech, I felt alone in my diagnosis because I felt like no one understood. But now, all that has changed.”

This spring was the most successful season in the team’s 40-year history, and Prabhat attributes much of that success to members’ willingness to tell deeply personal stories on stage about gender, ethnicity, racism, their hometowns and their medical conditions.

Read the full story on the Cornell Chronicle