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Racial Justice Resources

Racial Justice Resources

As the office that oversees religious, spiritual, and ethical programming on campus, the Office of Spirituality and Meaning-Making is outraged by the unjust and inhumane treatment of all marginalized groups, especially Black people, Indigenous people, and all people of Color. Together with many in our religious and ethical communities at Cornell, we grieve alongside all victims of violence and their families. We mourn for those who are marginalized because of their minoritized identities. We lament the silence and ignorance from so many who remain unaware of their power and privilege and thereby perpetuate structures of racial injustice. We echo the cry of the psalmist, “How long?” (Ps. 13). We unequivocally believe that Black Lives Matter.

While statements such as these break the silence, they do not prevent violence. Though the world’s great religious and philosophical traditions vary in their beliefs and practices, they share a common call to cultivate consciences and to work together to create a more just and compassionate world. The author Isabel Wilkerson has rightly noted that "This moment we’re in is not just a social crisis and not just a political crisis. It’s a spiritual crisis." OSMM and CURW are committed to supporting all those who desire to work at the intersection of spirituality and social justice in order to cultivate antiracist actions and attitudes. 

“Prophets from Amos and Isaiah to Gandhi and King have shown how frequently compassion demands confrontation. Love without criticism is a kind of betrayal. Lying is done with silence as well as with words.” 
William Sloane Coffin

Spirituality and Social Justice Resources

General/Interfaith Spiritual Resources

Buddhist Resources

"Creating True Peace: Ending Violence in Yourself, Your Family, Your Community and Your World" (Thich Nhat Hanh, pp.1-18)

"Radical Dharma: Talking Love, Race, and Liberation" (angel Kyodo Williams and Lama Rod Owens)

"How to Fight Without Hating: Lessons in Power and Love" (Valerie Brown)

Christian Resources

"Reimagining Race: Virtual Veritas Forum featuring Dr. Willie James Jennings" (Chesterton House)

The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism (YouTube presentation by Jemar Tisby)

Spiritual Practice and Social Justice (Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice)

Combatting Racism (USCCB, Catholic Bishop’s website on racism)

Racial Reconciliation (The Episcopal Church's website on racism)

"The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race" (Willie James Jennings) 

"Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America (Michael Eric Dyson)

Awakened Life Curriculum (United Methodist Church)

"On Being a Good Neighbor" (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

"The Spiritual Work of Black Lives Matter" (OnBeing podcast featuring Patrisse Cullors and Robert Ross)

Rooting Out Racism (Online retreat for White Christians)

Ignatian Racial Justice resources (Ignatian Solidarity Network)

Jewish Resources

Jewish Social Justice website

Rabbi Sharon Brous keynote from Prophetic Resistance Summit (audio recording)

"Religion and Race" (lecture by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel)

Muslim Resources

Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative

Muslim Wellness for COVID and Racism-related trauma

"The First Racist" (Virtual Mosque)