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Cornell University

Workshop Requests

Our team will work with you to customize a workshop for your group or class. We can usually cover 1-2 topics in a typical 60-minute workshop, but may be able to provide other resources if you're interested in learning more. Workshops are hosted by Career Services staff and/or trained student staff from our team, and can be delivered in person or via Zoom. Read the list below and then fill out our Career Services Workshop Request Form. Please submit at least two weeks in advance of your preferred date. We hope that we’ll be able to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee availability. We will respond within three business days of submission. 

Overview of CCS Services

Wondering what Cornell Career Services does? This workshop focuses on the many ways in which the college offices and central Cornell Career Services work together to provide a wide variety of effective resources, one-on-one assistance, and presentations to help you with your career planning and job search throughout your time at Cornell.

Career Readiness: Recognizing and Articulating your Skills and Experience to Employers

Did you know that clubs, class projects, and campus jobs you develop many valuable transferable skills that can be used in a professional work environment? The challenge is conveying evidence of these skills to prospective employers through your resume and during a job interview. Learn how your experiences help you to build skills in the top eight competencies employers seek and how you can turn these experiences into bullet points on your resume or short examples for interviews. 

Using Your Strengths (CliftonStrengths)

Take the CliftonStrengths assessment to learn more about your own unique talents and capabilities! By understanding your natural talents, you can create a pathway to college success by choosing classes, majors, and exploring careers that are right for you.

Exploring Careers Through Self-Assessment (e.g., MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory)

Are you wondering what you uniquely have to offer in the world of work? The first step is to learn more about yourself. This workshop covers how to explore your own unique talents, interests, skills and values. Assessments such as SkillScan or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) may be incorporated as determined through the pre-workshop consultation.

Networking, CUeLINKS, and/or LinkedIn

Are you new to networking, looking for people to reach out to, or preparing for the upcoming recruiting cycle? This workshop will provide you tips for creating successful connections, resources to improve your relationship-building skills, and strategies for networking. Take the next step to connect with the people and resources to help you navigate your academic, personal, and professional goals. Learn the value of exploring careers through CUeLINKS and LinkedIn! See how you can connect with Cornell alumni for job shadowing and informational interviews.

View our recorded workshop on CUeLINKS and networking.

Perfecting Your Personal Pitch

Are you ready to introduce yourself in a variety of professional situations? Have you thought about your answer to “Tell me about yourself?” It's one of the most commonly asked questions in interviews. Your introduction is also referred to as your Personal Pitch or Elevator Pitch. Join us for a 15-minute presentation to discuss the top five tips for success in Perfecting Your Personal Pitch. 

View our recorded workshop on Pitch

Gap or Bridge Year Experience

Whether you have always intended on a gap year or your original plans didn't pan out, this workshop is for you! Come learn about all the different ways to explore your career interests and gain valuable experience.

View our short recordings of gap year workshops. 

Job/Internship Search Strategies (General)

Searching for an internship or full-time job is among the most important things you’ll do during your time at Cornell. With so many other competing commitments, assignments, and activities, finding time for your search can be challenging. Don’t fret—Career Services has you covered! This presentation will cover the most important elements of an effective internship/job search (e.g., narrowing your focus, organizing your search, managing your time). We’ll share valuable tools and resources available to you such as Handshake. Our goal is to help you master the fundamentals, regardless of your class year or major. 

View our multiple recorded workshops on job search topics. 

International Students and/or International Job Search Strategies

Are you an international student graduating soon and looking for jobs in the U.S.? Are you a domestic student wondering if there are jobs outside of the U.S. you might be interested in? Do you want to explore job opportunities in a third country (not the U.S. nor your home country) but don’t know where to start? Join Career Services for some resources and tips for the job search both in and outside of the U.S.

Graduate or Professional School

Details coming soon.


Fellowships, also known as scholarships, are merit-based awards that support undergraduate or graduate study. Selection criteria are typically academic record and research experience, along with leadership experience, public service, and long-term career goals. A handful of fellowships, such as the well-known Rhodes, Marshall, and Truman awards, require that you be endorsed (nominated) by Cornell University. Request this workshop to learn more about eligibility and application processes. 

Career Fair Preparation

Not sure how to navigate a career fair? Unclear on how to prepare or what to do when it starts? We’ll review resources and strategies to help you get the most out of the career fair—no matter what year you are or what kind of position you’re looking for.

View our recorded workshop on Handshake Virtual Career Fair Prep.


Customizing your resume to a job description is a must. Doing so will convey to an employer that you have the knowledge, skills, and experience for that specific job. Your resume strategy is to make it easy for employers to see that you have what they’re looking for in the ideal candidate. Come learn how to adapt your resume for any opportunity. 

View our recorded resumes workshop.

Cover Letters

Do you find yourself using the same boring cover letter over and over? Is the ambiguity of cover letters challenging for you? Join us for a session that compiles our best advice. We’ll talk about why cover letters are important, what to include, and how to customize them for a particular job. Come learn how to make it easy for employers to see that you have what they’re looking for!


Are you preparing for an upcoming interview? Do you know what type of interview it will be or what you will say when they ask you tough questions? Don’t just wing it. Attend this presentation to learn about the different types of interviews (behavioral, case, finance/technical, MMI), when they are used, and how to prepare for your best interview ever! 

We also have multiple recorded workshops on the topic of interviewing

Evaluating and Negotiating a Job Offer

Are you wondering when, how, or if you should negotiate? This workshop helps you understand job-offers and teaches a framework for making decisions. Regardless of whether you're currently negotiating an offer, join us to learn about resources and tools that can help. 

Diversity-Related or Identity-Specific Career Topics

Let us know what topic you are interested in and we will create a program specific to it. Some examples are "One Size Does Not Fit All" or "Disclosures in the workplace" or "Finding Inclusive Employers".

Impostor Phenomenon

Ever felt like your peers have things figured out but your own achievements are due to luck or some factor other than talent? Maybe you have perfectionist habits or self-doubts. This workshop clarifies what the impostor phenomenon is and isn’t, and shares research on how it affects college students. We’ll discuss just how common this experience is, especially among people with marginalized identities. Then we focus on understanding unintended consequences of impostor phenomenon that may affect your career and health. By defining it and sharing experiences, we’ll learn tools to help combat impostor feelings.